Sunday, September 10, 2006

Second Week of September

Sunday: Grilled STEAK, sautéed KALE and BROWN RICE Medley

Monday: "In the fridge" PASTA SALAD. Mine was pasta with some very random ingredients (tuna, capers, artichoke hearts, soy cream cheese, tomato paste, and edamame). I thought it was great, but David thought it was disgusting; then again, he is anti tuna and cheese anything.

Tuesday: "Beans and Chips"

Wednesday: BEAN AND QUINOA CHILI with steamed BROCCOLI (Whole Foods for the Whole Family, pg. 145). I was really surprised at how much we liked this (Arabella and I, not so much David). It is a vegetarian option dinner and quinoa is added and bulks up the dinner to give it the feel of ground beef. Very yummy.

Thursday: Grilled FLANK STEAK with a PARSLEY SAUCE and SCALLION PANCAKES (Everyday Foods, Issue 13, pg. 72). The parsley sauce rocked!

Friday: Grilled Pre-marinated CHICKEN with Whole Wheat COUS COUS that I doctored up by adding shredded CARROTS, SWEET POTATO, and ONIONS, and sauteed BOK CHOY.

Saturday: Out to Thai Food to celebrate my NEW JOB OFFER!!

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