Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday's Meals

Steamed squash and scrambled eggs with onions this morning.  Easy.

Left over chicken from roasting made a beautiful chicken salad that my family will easily eat for lunch.  (Except Maeve who does not care much for mayonnaise).  I cut up the chicken into little bite sized pieces.  I added the following: celery, chives, grapes, apple, red pepper, dill, onions, salt, and home-made mayonnaise.

For dinner I made a recipe adapted from Diet for a New World by John Robbins called, "Curry in a Hurry".  I have changed the original to add meat and to make it GAPS friendly.
4 T. animal fat
1 lg. onion
2 chicken breasts, cut up into small bite sized pieces
3 carrots, cut into small pieces
1 small cauliflower, cut into florets
1 head of broccoli, cut into florets
1 cup squash, cut up into small pieces
1 Tb. curry powder
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. turmeric
2 cups bone broth
1 cup fresh or frozen peas
3 T. coconut aminos

Saute Onions and Chicken with animal fat (I used pork fat).

Add Cauliflower, Carrots, Broccoli (I forgot mine), & Squash

Add Curry Powder, Turmeric and Cumin.  It calls for soy sauce, but we use Coconut Aminos which have a salty hearty flavor like soy sauce.  Add several cups of bone broth and simmer until veggies are soft.  Add frozen peas at the very end.  The heat of the curry will defrost them quickly, no need to continue to cook.  Serve.

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