Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday's Meals

Today was another crazy day, but thankfully we all ate and we all ended the day happy.  Breakfast in my household is often packed with protein.  I want to send Arabella off to school with a full belly, knowing she often has fruit for snack.

I made these Almond Meal, Coconut flour Cinnamon muffins from Elana's Pantry again, with my modifications (coconut oil, honey, add raisins).  They were super delicious and quite a hit!  Served with our favorite... Bacon!  Yikes, it has been the week of bacon with it's reappearance at our Co-op.

I made lunch the night before again.  While cooking the stew, I was steaming squash & green beans, and mixing up meatballs.

Today I made a smoothie too.  Sometimes I find this necessary, and other days I skip it.  To make this particular smoothie I separate the 2 eggs (organic, free-ranged and pastured) and blend the whites in the Vita-Mix.  After they have gotten frothy, I add the rest of the ingredients: frozen banana, 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, and 1/4 cup coconut.  Creamy and like ice-cream!  That was the first time I used shredded coconut, and I have to say, I am not a fan.  Perhaps coconut milk next time.

Dinner was really easy.  Grilled organic grass-fed T-bone steaks and grilled asparagus.  We also grilled a Buffalo Rib-eye, but I didn't get to try that one.  Bone broth was also included with this meal.  Tonight, while making dinner, I steamed the beets for lunch tomorrow.

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