Sunday, December 05, 2010

Chicken "Noodle" Soup

As the weather changes soup begins to become a nightly ritual for us.  Here is a quick easy way for chicken soup that will remind you  of the ol' stuff too.

Bar-b-que the chicken, it will add a different dimension to the flavors.  If not, you could cut them up in pieces and add them to the hot broth.  I use chicken thighs because I like the flavor better.

While you are waiting for the BBQ, saute some onions, garlic, carrots and celery.  Add fresh thyme and salt when the veggies become more translucent.

Add the broth, chicken, and cut up tomatoes (or a spoonful of tomato paste) and the butternut squash cut with a spiralizer to make into wavy "noodles".
Eat and enjoy.  This soup went so fast I couldn't even catch a photo.

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